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5 Offline Marketing Strategies For Small Businesses

Written by Anne Taylor

Marketing strategies for small businesses nowadays seem to involve mostly the internet, but you don’t have to limit yourself to just online marketing tactics like Facebook Ads, SEO, and social media. Here are the 5 top ways to market your business that don’t require an internet connection!

Text Messages

This is a high-tech, modern marketing method. Many people don’t associate texting with offline marketing! Reaching people with a text is an efficient tool as opposed to reaching out over social media or email. People read texts more often than emails! This method can help you tell your customers about your current sales, upcoming events or newest products.

Direct Mail

Marketing Strategies For Small Businesses

It’s still effective to mail out coupons, postcards or local mailers to people in your area. If you want to focus on a certain niche market, buy targeted mailing lists. It is also a great tactic to use in connecting people with your online platforms. Give it a call-to-action by sending them to your site, Instagram page or inviting them to stop in to your business.


Have you been networking in your community? Joining your local chamber or business associations is a great way to meet the local businesses owners in the area. They will have networking events where you can hand out business cards and have the opportunity to gain referrals. You may even be able to collaborate with businesses to form partnerships.

Teach A Class

Teaching a DIY class or giving a presentation is a great way to position yourself as an expert and gain new clients. Look for community centers business events or your local libraries to see if they are looking for someone to talk about your field of expertise. Educate your audience about something they’ll be interested in!

Flyers, Signage, and Billboards

If you have a brick-and-mortar business, an eye-catching sign makes a huge difference.

With so many businesses concentrating online, your business can gain an edge using these creative offline techniques.

We hope this article on 5 Offline Marketing Strategies For Small Business helped! Check us out over on our socials [Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn], and let us know what you liked more from the article.

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