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4 Ways to Grow Your Business During the Holidays

Written by Jeremy LaDuke

As the holiday season approaches, you’re looking into ways that you can grow your business. You’ve come to the right place.

Whether you have a retail business or a professional service, the holidays offer a unique opportunity to connect with existing and potential customers. The holidays give us all an excuse to break out of our ‘business as usual’ mold and do something a little different. The sky is the limit in terms of what you can do with this new freedom, but here are some ideas that might help you find your own unique way to embrace the holiday season.

    1. Grow Your Business: Give

      It will be better than any ad you can ever buy. Everyone loves to get something. What better way to celebrate a season of giving in your business, than to give your customers something to remember your brand? As Maya Angelou said, “I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” Use this opportunity to make your customers feel welcomed, loved, and appreciated. What you give your customers can be almost anything; a card in the mail, extra swag at the checkout counter, or a special event. The smaller your customer base, the more elaborate you can be. One thing is for sure, no matter how big or small the gift, no one is going to give you a bad online review for it!

    2. Offer Gift Cards

      Who doesn’t like gift cards? Especially to a unique or locally owned store? Receiving a gift card to a store you have never visited pushes you out of your retail comfort zone, and exposes you to a new shopping experience. Your current and loyal customers can be your best spokespeople. Maximize your exposure by equipping them with gift cards from your business. If you are an ecommerce or retail business, gift cards are the convenient on-ramp to your business during this busy travel time of American holiday retail. And the chances are, when someone comes in with a $20 gift card, they leave having spent even more.

    3. Make the Weather More Favorable

      Arguably the worst thing about the holiday season, outside of prolonged awkward interactions with weird relatives, is the cold weather. The ways you can take advantage of the weather will vary based on the nature of your business. An HVAC company might remind folks to make sure their system is working smoothly before the family arrives. A hardware store could remind people to get their salt and shovels before they are snow-locked in their homes. A business with an office or lobby might offer visitors a warm-up with some hot cocoa.

    4. Grow Your Business: Embrace the Season

      Have fun with the holidays. Decorate, dress up, and make it memorable. Remember, people will remember how they felt at your business. Use this time to fill them with Christmas nostalgia when they walk through your doors. Wear a Santa hat, feed them Christmas cookies, or let them spin a dreidel for a chance to win a discount.

One thing that holiday marketing can teach us is that making a lasting impression on your customers requires creativity and some old-fashioned elbow grease. And making an impression is something that your business should be doing year-round. If you would like to see how Epic Nine can help your business make an impression, then give us a call at 865-240-297.

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